Sawyer 迷你净水器
Sawyer Mini 是户外娱乐、徒步旅行、露营、侦察、国内外旅行和应急准备的理想之选。
这款高性能迷你过滤器可放在手掌中,重 2 盎司,过滤量高达 100,000 加仑(是同类过滤器的 30 倍)。
It attaches to the included drinking pouch, standard disposable water bottles; hydration packs, or use the straw to drink directly from your water source.
The Sawyer Mini Water Filter is a second generation filter that is the lightest and most versatile personal filtration system from Sawyer. With a total field weight of 2 ounces it fits in the palm of your hand. This tiny filter does the same job that the Sawyer PointONE filter does but now in a more compact, personal size.
它可以过滤 100,000 加仑的水,可能是您最后购买的净水器。从带着孩子露营到出国旅行,Sawyer Mini 过滤器都是您的理想选择,因为在国外,自来水和瓶装水都是不可信的。
该过滤器可去除 7 log(99.99999%)的所有细菌(如沙门氏菌)以及导致霍乱的其他有害细菌和大肠杆菌,并可去除 6 log(99.9999%)的所有原生动物,如贾第虫和隐孢子虫。这些去除率相当于或超过了其他过滤器。美国环保署(EPA)的指导方针允许水中残留的原生动物数量是 Sawyer PointONE 过滤器的十倍。
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