Micro Squeeze
Water Filtration System
Enjoy clean and safe drinking water wherever you roam with the ultra-compact, lightweight, reusable Sawyer Micro Squeeze Water Filtration System.
联系索耶超小型、轻便、可重复使用的 Sawyer Micro Squeeze 滤水系统让您在任何地方都能享用干净安全的饮用水--从野外探险到日常办公,从国内和国际旅行到应急准备。
这款小巧的过滤器总重量仅为 2 盎司,可以放在手掌中。虽然体积小,但功能强大的 Micro Squeeze 却能去除 99.99999% 的细菌(沙门氏菌、霍乱菌和大肠杆菌)和 99.9999% 的原生动物(隐孢子虫和贾第鞭毛虫)--超过了美国环保署推荐的去除率。Micro Squeeze 还能 100% 滤除微塑料。
将 Micro Squeeze 安装到随附的饮水袋中,使用随附的吸管直接饮用水源中的水,将其连接到水合包管道(需单独购买)上,或将其拧到标准一次性水瓶(28 毫米螺纹)上。附带的 32 盎司(1 升)挤压袋由结实柔软的材料制成,重新设计的袋口便于装水和保持稳定。Micro Squeeze 非常适合添加到您的备灾包中,以确保在紧急情况下能够获得清洁的水,在发布煮沸警报时,它是去除居民用水中有害病原体的好帮手。
Micro Squeeze 0.1 微米绝对过滤器内有一簇微型纤维管,采用了医疗透析中的类似技术。当水通过微纤维管的侧壁时,有害细菌和原生动物会被截留在外壁,因此您可以放心饮用。Sawyer Micro Squeeze 滤水器的额定容量高达 100,000 加仑。
每个 Micro Squeeze 都配有一个 32 盎司的可重复使用挤压袋、吸管、清洁接头、备用垫圈和清洁活塞。在包装之前,Sawyer 对每一个 Micro Squeeze 都进行了三次单独测试,以达到性能标准。
• 1 Micro Squeeze Filter
• 1 Pouch
• 1 Cleaning Coupling
• A Backwashing Plunger
• 1 Drinking Straw
• 1 Spare Gasket
Use Cases
Ideal for outdoor recreation, hiking, camping, scouting, domestic and international travel and emergency preparedness.
Attaches to included drinking pouch, standard disposable water bottles, hydration packs, or use the straw to drink directly from water source.
Reusable 0.1 micron absolute water filter produces clean water from freshwater lakes, rivers, streams, and residential faucets - no chemicals or batteries required.
Removal Rates
Removes 99.99999% of bacteria, such as salmonella, cholera, and E. Coli; removes 99.9999% of protozoa, such as giardia and cryptosporidium; also removes 100% of microplastics
Individually Tested 3 Times
Every Sawyer filter is performance tested three different times during the manufacturing process to ensure every Sawyer filter is 0.1 absolute micron and that no harmful pathogens can pass through the filter