Everything You Need to Pack for Your Trip to Austin, Texas
Heading to Austin? The first thing you’ll think of packing will be the summer wardrobe. While this is an excellent and accurate assumption, it’s worth noting that the city is more than just flip-flops and bikinis. Yes, the weather can be unbearably hot where only swims will do, but there are times—even in those three-digit months—when layers need to be applied. Mainly because Texans love blasting rooms with arctic air-conditioning. Then there’s allergy season, festival season, sporting activities, and hitting the nightlife, and that carry-on just got a whole lot heavier. If it’s your first time and you’re unsure where to begin, we’ve compiled a detailed packing guide so that you’re armed no matter what season you visit or what activity floats your boat. Here’s all you need to know before landing at AUS.
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