"我很高兴向大家报告上月底我们在毛图马学校开展的滤水器分发活动。这里的大多数人都从水井取水,也有一些人从河里取水作为生活用水。我们在这里向毛图马学校 209 个学生家庭(包括学校教职员工)分发了滤水器。起初,家长们似乎对这些设备并不太感兴趣。后来他们才向我坦白,他们曾经从某个组织领取过某种滤水器,但后来就不再使用了。他们收到的过滤器用了一段时间后只能过滤少量的水。当他们看到锯业滤水器过滤水的速度时,满屋子的人都陶醉了,各种惊叹声可以概括为--"就是它了!"。琳达滤水器受到了热烈欢迎"。
Sawyer’s donation of water filters represents a significant shift away from the cumbersome logistics of bottled water, offering a faster and more efficient solution.
Summer tick season used to be a problem only in the southern part of Ontario, but tick populations are moving north as the climate grows warmer.
Mosquitos are nasty creatures. They bite, they transmit terrible diseases to people and pets, and from what I read, they have absolutely no redeeming value in the ecosystem.
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