在发生野火、飓风、洪水或其他任何紧急情况时,必须准备一个应急装备齐全的应急包(也称为 "准备包"、"出发包 "或 "逃生包")。这样,您和家人就可以携带基本的生存用品和工具迅速撤离到避难所或其他安全地点。
For this guide we focused on gear that could be easily carried in a backpack, emphasizing lightness and portability wherever possible. For sheltering in place, we have a separate guide to the best emergency-preparedness supplies, to help you manage at home for a period of time following a disaster that knocks out utility services or cuts off outside resources to your area. We hope both of these guides will help you be prepared with reliable and versatile tools that can assist you in managing whatever emergency you may face.
Continue reading to learn more, written by Doug Mahoney and Joshua Lyon.