Backpacking Across Scotland Gear List – May 2024

I’ll be hiking coast-to-coast across Scotland in a few weeks for the third time in the annual TGO Challenge. This is a non-competitive event where backpackers, called Challengers, have 15 days to hike from the west coast to the east coast. To make things interesting, everyone defines the route they want to hike, with the goal of climbing as many mountains as they can or seeing as many sights as possible along the way. The goal is not to finish before you have to, but to pack in as many experiences as you can between the start and the end.

I’ll be starting in Oban on the west coast and will be hiking to Montrose on the east coast, following a more southerly route than on my previous crossings to experience some new areas of the country. I’ll stay in two inns along my route, two campgrounds, and spend eleven nights wild camping along the way.

You can read the complete write up written by Philip Werner.


November 1, 2024

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媒体对 "徒步科考队 "的报道

菲利普-沃纳(Philip Werner)是一位居住在新英格兰的全职户外作家和背包客。他的网站SectionHiker.com被AdventureJunkies.com评为2018年、2019年、2020年和2021年互联网上排名第一的徒步旅行和背包旅行博客。

本网站的名称 "徒步旅行者"(Section Hiker)指的是我在 2008 年徒步旅行的长径(Long Trail)路段和我仍在努力完成的阿普拉契亚小径(Applachian Trail)路段。迄今为止,我已经走完了 1400 英里的亚特兰大小径,希望有一天能走完佐治亚州和缅因州之间的所有路段。我还两次徒步穿越 TGO 挑战赛(横跨苏格兰的海岸到海岸),目前正在徒步穿越愤怒角步道,也是在苏格兰。



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