
Missions team helps churches provide clean water in Cuba

When a group from Crosspoint Church in McKinney, Texas, recently traveled with Proclaim Cuba to minister to the Caribbean country, they took with them water filters provided by Texans on Mission.

“I wanted to personally thank you for the donation of the filters,” Curt Neal, a member of the team, wrote to Mitch Chapman, director of Texans on Mission Water Impact. “You can only imagine the excitement from our Cuban pastors as we turned dark murky water into clear and very drinkable water, which I personally demonstrated.”

The team took about 20 bucket filters and 10 tap filters to churches in central Cuba, the project report said. “We gave several bucket filters to these rural churches. The tap filters were given to the churches that had running tap water.”

Continue reading about the mission trip to Cuba, written for The Baptist Paper.


July 9, 2024

照片缩略图 博客作者

Ferrell Foster


Contributing writer for the Baptist Standard.



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We have found the most effective and long-lasting solution to be a portable hollow fibre membrane filter that eliminates 99.99999% of harmful bacteria, the most common form of contamination seen in fresh surface water, rainwater and wells.

Christian Troy and Riley Garrison
Executive Director and Project Manager