

Filter Compatibility - Personal Water Bottle

Sawyer Squeeze 过滤器和 MINI 过滤器可与水合包配合使用。请观看视频 Sawyer Squeeze 与水合包配合使用直列适配器,以及 Sawyer Squeeze 与快速充气适配器配合使用。

Do you have more information about Sawyer’s Label Claims and Warranties? - Personal Water Bottle

我们在 "资源 "页面上提供了采用 EPA 协议进行的独立实验室测试,以及有关我们的过滤器及其保修的信息。

Does the Sawyer filter remove taste, chemicals and heavy metals from water? - squeeze water

The Sawyer filter removes taste that comes from bacteria, dirt, and green matter.

The Sawyer filter does NOT remove iron, sulfur, other chemicals, or simple compounds. Taste can be masked by using flavor additives like Gatorade or crystal light (filter needs to be cleaned immediately after using them).

Heavy Metals
The standard Sawyer filters are not made with charcoal. While other portable filters have charcoal, they lack in amount of media and adequate dwell time. Therefore, they only remove small amounts of heavy metals, pesticides, etc.

How often do you have to clean or backwash the filter? - One Gallon

清洗频率取决于水的脏污程度。在水质相对清澈的情况下,可能每 1,000 加仑才需要反冲洗一次,而在水质极其浑浊或泥泞的情况下,可能每 10 加仑就需要反冲洗一次。不过,反冲洗过程非常简单,只需一分钟。

Does the Sawyer filter remove taste, chemicals and heavy metals from water? - Personal Water Bottle

The Sawyer filter removes taste that comes from bacteria, dirt, and green matter.

The Sawyer filter does NOT remove iron, sulfur, other chemicals, or simple compounds. Taste can be masked by using flavor additives like Gatorade or crystal light (filter needs to be cleaned immediately after using them).

Heavy Metals
The standard Sawyer filters are not made with charcoal. While other portable filters have charcoal, they lack in amount of media and adequate dwell time. Therefore, they only remove small amounts of heavy metals, pesticides, etc.

Do you have more information about Sawyer’s Label Claims and Warranties? - Mini

我们在 "资源 "页面上提供了采用 EPA 协议进行的独立实验室测试,以及有关我们的过滤器及其保修的信息。

How fast should the water come out of my filter? - squeeze water

流量的变化取决于过滤器的清洁程度和您清洁过滤器的效果。海拔高度也会影响流速(海拔越高,流速越慢。此外,PointZEROTWO™ 过滤器的流量要比 Point ONE 慢得多。

What if the Tap Filter is exposed to freezing weather? - Tap water filtration


How do I care for my filter during freezing weather? - squeeze water

初次浸湿前 - 如果过滤器从未浸湿过,则不会受到冻结温度的影响。初次浸湿后 - 虽然没有明确的方法来判断过滤器是否因冻结而损坏,但如果您怀疑过滤器已被冻结,Sawyer 建议您更换过滤器。在旅途中 - 如果您处于低温环境中,我们建议您将过滤器放在口袋里或贴身存放,这样您的体温可以防止过滤器冻结。冻结的过滤器不予保修。

Filter Compatibility - One Gallon

Sawyer Squeeze滤水器可与水袋一起使用。请参阅视频 Sawyer Squeeze 与水合包配合使用内嵌式适配器,以及 Sawyer Squeeze 与快速充气适配器配合使用。

Sawyer Squeeze 过滤器与水瓶配合使用
Sawyer Squeeze 过滤器还可用于不确定饮用水是否安全的水瓶。

Sawyer 内嵌式过滤器

Filter Compatibility - Squeeze Filter

Sawyer Squeeze 过滤器可与水袋一起使用。请参阅视频 Sawyer Squeeze 与水合包配合使用内嵌式适配器,以及 Sawyer Squeeze 与快速充气适配器配合使用。Sawyer 挤压式过滤器还可用于不确定饮用水是否安全的水瓶。

How do I care for my filter during freezing weather? - one gallon


虽然没有明确的方法来判断过滤器是否因冻结而损坏,但如果您怀疑过滤器已被冻结,Sawyer 建议您更换过滤器。


How do I care for my filter during freezing weather? - Mini


虽然没有明确的方法来判断过滤器是否因冻结而损坏,但如果您怀疑过滤器已被冻结,Sawyer 建议您更换过滤器。


Will the Tap Filter make my water taste better? - Tap water filtration


Can I attach my MINI filter directly to a spigot? - Mini

不,我们不建议将过滤器直接安装在水龙头上。 过滤器的设计压力最高为 20 磅/平方英寸,将过滤器直接安装在水压较高的水源上可能会损坏纤维。

How fast should the water come out of my filter? - Mini

流量的变化取决于过滤器的清洁程度和您清洁过滤器的效果。海拔高度也会影响流速(海拔越高,流速越慢。此外,PointZEROTWO™ 过滤器的流量要比 Point ONE 慢得多。

What do you mean by 0.1 and .02 micron absolute? - One Gallon

许多其他过滤器都列出了标称或平均孔径,这使得有害病原体有可能通过。我们的滤膜声称绝对微米,因此不会出现孔径大小不一的情况。绝对微米数为 0.1 和 0.02 的滤膜是真正的阻隔性滤膜,因此无需怀疑水是否可以安全饮用。

Will the Tap Filter fit my faucet? - Tap water filtration

希望如此! 我们设计的这些适配器适用于国内外大多数标准水龙头。由于市场上的水龙头种类繁多,我们无法保证这种过滤器适用于您的特定型号。 如果您不确定是否适用,请将水龙头的照片和尺寸发给我们。我们将很乐意根据收到的反馈意见,研究制作其他尺寸的适配器。

How long does the filter/purifier last? - One Gallon


Do you have more information about Sawyer’s Label Claims and Warranties? - squeeze water

我们在 "资源 "页面上提供了采用 EPA 协议进行的独立实验室测试,以及有关我们的过滤器及其保修的信息。

How long does the Tap Filter last in use? - Tap water filtration

每个自来水过滤器每天可过滤 500 加仑以上的水。 正确使用和维护过滤器可使其使用 10 年以上。

How fast should the water come out of my filter? - Personal Water Bottle

流量的变化取决于过滤器的清洁程度和您清洁过滤器的效果。海拔高度也会影响流速(海拔越高,流速越慢。此外,PointZEROTWO™ 过滤器的流量要比 Point ONE 慢得多。

Filter Compatibility - Mini

Sawyer Squeeze 过滤器和 MINI 可与水合包配合使用。请观看视频 Sawyer Squeeze 与水合包配合使用直列适配器,以及 Sawyer Squeeze 与快速充气适配器配合使用。

How do I care for my filter during freezing weather? - Personal Water Bottle


虽然没有明确的方法来判断过滤器是否因冻结而损坏,但如果您怀疑过滤器已被冻结,Sawyer 建议您更换过滤器。


The included gauge does not fit my faucet, but the Tap Filter does. Is it safe to use? - Tap water filtration

Absolutely! If it is no additional trouble, please send us the specs on your tap so we can explore additional adapters as needed based on customer feedback. Just be sure to be mindful of the water pressure (<40 psi) to ensure that the fibers are not damaged.

How often should I backwash my filter? - Mini

我们建议在流速开始下降时、长期存放之前以及准备重新使用过滤器时对过滤器进行反冲洗。 过滤器存放后进行反冲洗是重新润湿过滤器并在使用前恢复流速的好方法。

What is the shelf life of the Tap Filter? - Tap water filtration

如果妥善存放在阴凉、干燥、远离紫外线照射的地方,Sawyer 水龙头过滤器的保质期可达 10 年以上。





Sawyer filters have very strong fibers (see Fiber Strength Study) and are capable of handling up to 40 PSI (Pounds Per Square Inch) of pressure.  When clean, Sawyer Filters only need 1 to 2 PSI of pressure to flow freely.  As the fibers collect particulates, the pressure to move water through will increase as the particulates create barriers to water flow.Sawyer pouches are designed to handle up to 7 PSI of pressure before bursting. This in most cases allows for a large amount of water to be used before filter cleaning is necessary. Therefore the pouches will not burst so long as the filters are reasonably clean.  However most people are capable of generating much more than 7 PSI of pressure and so if the filter is not clean, the pouches are more likely to burst when squeezing too hard.  The more particulates in the water the sooner a filter will clog and need to be cleaned.Sawyer’s new light weight soft pouches offer the same bursting strength of 7 PSI as the heavier legacy pouches.  The new light weight pouches are just as strong as the thicker legacy pouches but are easier to squeeze because the softer material offers less resistance.  With a lower pouch resistance the 7 PSI burst limit is reached more easily.To protect your pouch – maintain a clean filter and be aware of pressure build up against a dirty filter.


Yes. For threaded faucets, we highly recommend using the Threaded Spigot Adapter to make sure the filter pops off of the tap before the fibers are damaged from excessive pressure.  Excessive pressure can absolutely damage the fibers.


No.  The silicon bottle is hard to reseal if you loosen the black reducer cap. This is why we recommend only filling through the smaller opening where the Micro Squeeze™ filter attaches. If you take the reducer cap off you will need to get it to seal again before using it. Without a good seal, unfiltered water can leak out and could contaminate your drinking water.

PointONE Filter™ 和 PointZERO TWO Purifier™ 有什么区别?

PointONE Filter™ 的绝对孔径为 0.1 微米,因此可以去除所有细菌和原生动物,如贾第虫、隐孢子虫、霍乱和伤寒。PointZERO TWO 净化器™的绝对孔径为 0.02 微米,因此除细菌和原生动物外,还能去除甲型肝炎等所有病毒。


We offer multiple options depending on your needs and preferences.

The MINI, Micro Squeeze, and Squeeze Filters are our most popular options for camping and hiking.

For group camping, we offer Gravity Filtration options.

The Bottle Filtration Systems are perfect for daily use domestically and internationally.


Select 系列专为处理高度污染的水而设计。


造成泄漏的通常不是滤袋,而是过滤器。要么是过滤器在第一次使用时没有完全湿透,要么是在过滤过程中对滤袋施加的压力过大。一定要慢慢地将水挤入过滤器,让过滤器纤维有时间完全浸润。最初的流速可能看起来很慢,但随着纤维变湿,流速会逐渐加快。反冲洗过程用注射器反冲洗过滤器(更好、更频繁)。您不能伤害过滤器纤维,因此在反冲洗过程中请用力。使用注射器时,动作不要太轻,这样只会形成阻力最小的路径,而不会将过滤器中可能滞留的微粒吹出。过滤器的使用不要将过滤器过度拧紧在滤袋上。过度拧紧会导致 O 形环嵌入螺纹或卡入袋口。如果 O 形环脱落,可能会导致密封不严,水可能会从过滤器底部漏出。请观看我们的 "挤压过滤器重要提示 "视频,以便更好地了解如何保养挤压袋。在您掌握力度和清洁的完美平衡之前,我们建议您在旅行时携带一个备用滤袋。虽然这些小袋坚固耐用,但并非坚不可摧。它们会因压力过大而撕裂。当水通过过滤器的速度过快或过滤器需要清洁时,就会出现这种情况,从而产生更大的阻力。不要用力挤压滤袋或拧滤袋。破损的滤袋不在保修范围内。


We recommend routine maintenance to maximize the filter’s flow rate and longevity.  By regularly backwashing the filter with more pressure than when filtering water, you can restore up to 98.5% of the filter’s flow rate.


No, it is not.  We recommend backwashing and air drying the filter before storing.





3.PointONE 过滤器配有 1 英尺长的软管(SP180 型),连接到海平面上的标准 5 加仑水桶上,每天可过滤多达 295 加仑(1117 升)的水。

4. If you increase the head pressure by either lengthening the hose, attaching the filter to a larger container like a 55 gallon drum, or constantly keep the bucket full so the top of the water is as high as possible, this will increase the flow rate.

5. Tap Filter: up to 500 Gallons per day


我可以用反冲洗 Sawyer 过滤器的方法反冲洗 BeFree 过滤器吗?

No.  Sawyer Hollow Fibers are much stronger than those used by Katadyn so backwashing a BeFree with a Sawyer backwashing plunger will more than likely damage the fibers.

How often should I backwash my filter? - Personal Water bottle

我们建议在流速开始下降时、长期存放之前以及准备重新使用过滤器时对过滤器进行反冲洗。 过滤器存放后进行反冲洗是重新润湿过滤器并在使用前恢复流速的好方法。

How often should I backwash my filter? - squeeze water

我们建议在流速开始下降时、长期存放之前以及准备重新使用过滤器时对过滤器进行反冲洗。 过滤器存放后进行反冲洗是重新润湿过滤器并在使用前恢复流速的好方法。