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杰夫从小就和家人在西北太平洋地区背包旅行。那远非超轻型背包旅行,而是每人负重 50 磅,徒步 3 英里到湖边钓鱼,周末露营。两岁时,杰夫在一次旅行中感染了贾第虫,在另一次旅行中,他被蚊子叮了很多包,托儿所以为他得了水痘。
在背包旅行的同时,他还喜欢钓鱼、搭木筏和捕捉小龙虾。杰夫 20 岁时第一次徒步穿越 PCT,此后他创造了 16 项徒步速度记录,徒步里程超过 3 万英里。
Three days: That's how long it took endurance athlete Jeff Garmire to finish the John Muir Trail. But from health scares to falling asleep while hiking..
"As a fly angler, your hopes and dreams are often waiting for you on the underside of a freestone river rock."
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Our mission is to enable everyone to enjoy the outdoors safely by eradicating waterborne and insect-borne illnesses.