"Sawyer Mini 是一款适应性强、重量轻、结构紧凑的滤水器,是非常实用的个人水处理系统,而且价格低廉。它既可以作为吸管使用,也可以在蓄水池中直接使用,因此比其他吸管式过滤器更实用。这款过滤器仅重 1.4 盎司,价格约为 25 美元,轻松摘得我们的 "最值得购买奖"。
Chris McNamara,OutdoorGearLab.com创始人
October 21, 2024
您是否曾经想购买一种户外产品,却苦于不知道哪种产品最好?或者,更糟糕的是,买了产品之后才发现没有买到适合自己的产品?我有过,这就是我创办 OutdoorGearLab 的原因。
OutdoorGearLab 的使命很简单:创建世界上最好的户外装备评论。
Sawyer’s donation of water filters represents a significant shift away from the cumbersome logistics of bottled water, offering a faster and more efficient solution.
Summer tick season used to be a problem only in the southern part of Ontario, but tick populations are moving north as the climate grows warmer.
Mosquitos are nasty creatures. They bite, they transmit terrible diseases to people and pets, and from what I read, they have absolutely no redeeming value in the ecosystem.
与我们的社区(从小队成员和大使到品牌合作伙伴和 Sawyer 团队)进行篝火对话。